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Occupational Therapy and Brain Injury
In this post I discuss what an OT does in rehabilitation and how valuable their input is.

Nov 1, 20224 min read
Occupational Therapy and Brain Injury
In this post I discuss what an OT does in rehabilitation and how valuable their input is.

Sep 19, 20223 min read
Brain Games
In this blog I discuss video games and its effect on the brain. I discuss its effect on cognition and its application in the future.

Sep 8, 20224 min read
The Sleeping Brain
How do you sleep? In this blog post I talk about sleep and how it affects your brain. I also some points to consider about your sleep.

Aug 28, 20224 min read
Brain Injury Recovery Blog
A blog about the science behind brain injury recovery. The blog talks about cognition, physical exercise and factors influencing recovery.

Aug 5, 20223 min read
Brain Drinks - Alcohol
We tend to think that alcohol is really bad for your brain. But is it? In this blog post I discuss whether alcohol is bad for your brain.

Jul 19, 20223 min read
The Function of the Temporal Lobe
The Temporal Lobe makes up one of four lobes of the brain. In this blog post I aim to tell you what the Temporal Lobe is and does.
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